Jesus Loves You Church

In Cambodia(At Prek Pnov)
Results for Miss Sivyee and Mr. Vitor's testimony on 18.12.2016

Miss Sivyee and Mr. Vitor's testimony on 18.12.2016

Khmer Worship 11:50 PM
Miss Sivyee and Mr. Vitor's testimony on 18.12.2016 We want to praise The Lord Jesus Christ. ការអស្ចារ្យដែលព្រះបានធ្វើសំរាប់ការងារ​...Read More
Miss Sivyee and Mr. Vitor's testimony on 18.12.2016 Miss Sivyee and Mr. Vitor's testimony on 18.12.2016 Reviewed by Khmer Worship on 11:50 PM Rating: 5
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